Eye Care for Adults
There is a lot of advertising today for various laser and surgical procedures that claim to improve your vision. Sometimes these advertisements can be misleading, cause confusion or create misperceptions.
In our practice, we take the time to interpret the different surgical options in a language that you can understand and to provide you with an honest, accurate assessment of the risks and benefits for each procedure. We take pride in advising you as we would a member of our family.
Meanwhile, our primary focus is to provide you with optimum vision that satisfies your unique needs while limiting risk. As technology advances, there are risks associated with performing procedures before a significant number of patients have been studied. You may find some of these procedures being promoted in the media as ‘the perfect solution’ without any risk. Be advised that there is no procedure without risk and sometimes the risks do not become apparent until the procedure has been performed for a number of years.
Dr. Kelly has performed thousands of surgeries and understands what will be the best procedure to produce the result you desire. He also understands the risks of each procedure and will explain them to you so that, together, you can make the best decision.
You can also be assured that Dr. Dorans and Mr. Murphy echo Dr. Kelly’s philosophy and focus on the best medical solution to your refractive problems, advising you on selection of a particular type of contact lens or spectacle that will be sure to meet your specific vision needs.